Ministry Teams

Adult Ministry

Team Leader –

The purpose of the Adult Ministry Team is to promote discipleship, ministry and outreach to adults of all ages and family situations. This team will develop programs, events, and mentoring opportunities to accomplish this purpose.  These programs will seek to establish Christ Jesus as the foundation of all the various areas of our lives, including but not exclusive to our families, our workplace, and our financial stewardship.  This discipleship has for its end the preparation of the saints for the work of the ministry.  We are committed to growing mature Christians who are a light on a hill to a dark and dying world.

Building & Grounds

Team Leader – 

The building and grounds team is responsible for the maintenance, improvement and the coordination of the use of the church facilities.  This team will provide a functional and attractive environment in which to worship, learn and fellowship.  In addition, this team will be involved in the planning and implementation of future improvements in the church facilities.  To accomplish this, the team will coordinate the efforts of the entire membership and their respective skills.  We will also seek outside consultation and labor if it is thought necessary to a particular project that is beyond the skills of our congregation.  The three elected trustees of the church will serve on this team in addition to those who help accomplish the stated goals of the team.

Children’s Ministry

Team Leader – Lynnette Cramer & Ruth Warf

Our goal is to provide ministry to children from birth through sixth grade with nursery services, children’s church, Sunday School and the AWANA Program.  This team will promote discipleship, ministry and outreach that are created specifically to meet the needs of children.  We seek to provide solid Bible education for both Christian children and children who have not yet become a Christian.  This Bible education will be fertile ground for growing of children dedicated to a life in Christ Jesus.  This team will also design ministry that provides a safe, healthy and secure environment.


Team Leader – Brian Booher

The Communications Team is responsible for maintaining internal and external church communications via the weekly bulletin, the church calendar, the church website, e-mails, newspaper ads, posters, etc.


Team Leader – Larry Throneburg

This committee shall consist of five members, including at least one deacon and one trustee.  This committee shall work with the church treasurer in providing ways and means of securing revenue to carry on the work of the church and shall have general supervision over the methods adopted for raising money.  They shall select the bank, or banks, or other regulated financial agencies in which the funds of the church shall be deposited.  They shall see that accounts of the church are properly audited each year.  Special offerings may be sought by the church, or any of its organizations, only upon approval of the finance committee.  This does not preclude individuals making special offerings at any time they so desire.  The treasurer and assistant-treasurer are ex-officio members of this committee.

Hospitality & Mercy

Team Leader – Ruth Warf

Our desire is to reach out to people in a supportive and comforting way and to assist to the best of our ability.  We will use the following means as a way to help us to achieve our goal:  weekly prayer groups, the prayer chain, Second Sunday fellowship and greeters during church service.  Our team is responsible for mailing cards and sending flowers to those in need of sympathy or medical care.  We coordinate the process of providing meals and services to congregation members due to operation, illness or other crisis.  The Hospitality and Mercy Team also are in charge of organizing funeral dinners.  In addition, we provide support to other teams that may need refreshments and/or other services and will work closely with the Deacons to accomplish their ministry responsibilities.  Characteristics of someone wishing to be on the Hospitality and Mercy team would be, but not confined to compassion, friendliness, being trusting and a being team player.

Ministry Placement

Team Leader –

It is our goal to find willing people who will serve as members on various teams to carry out the goals of the church.  It will also be our duty to educate the congregation about the various teams and what responsibilities each team serves.  The MPT will bring candidates up for nomination at the quarterly business meetings.  A  Ministry Placement Team member will also visit the New Member’s Class to provide a survey, discuss spiritual gifts and serving to the class.  The team members will also answer any additional questions these individuals may have regarding teams and service within the church.


Team Leader – Susan Plackett

The mission team of The First Baptist Church of Tolono will be responsible for mission education, training and implementing mission related activities.  Mission work, for the purposes of our church, are described as any action taken to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ outside of our immediate area of ministry. Our end result is a church that is spiritually prepared and willing to take part in mission work in our nation and around the world.   We seek to impact the world for Christ Jesus in ways that go far beyond what we can do by ministering to Unit 7 alone.  To accomplish this mission this team will enlist the prayer support, the financial resources and the physical involvement of all the members of The First Baptist Church of Tolono.  The success of our mission team will be judged by the fruit that it produces.  This fruit can be recognized in short term and full time missionaries that emerge from our congregation and church plants supported directly and indirectly by our local body.


Team Leader – 

As ambassadors of Jesus Christ it is our desire to provide our body of believers an atmosphere of worship befitting our God, Lord and Savior.  We will Adhere to the scripture and maintain an attitude of honoring, thanks giving, and glorification of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  We pray that our worship induces non believers to feel the presence and conviction of the Holy Spirit, furthering the kingdom of God.  When we come together our music, words, and fellowship will be to praise the Lord in Spirit and Truth.  Not submitting to one style but working to assure the involvement of all in the experience of worship.  Our time of worship may consist of prayer, bible study, sermons, dramas, testimonies, readings, music, special events, and evangelism.  Observing the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper will be a testament of our obedience to God and His Son Jesus Christ.


Team Leader – 

The purpose of the Youth Team is to promote discipleship, ministry and outreach to people in the 6th to 12th grade.  This age group has needs specific to their age and development that calls for the creation of a program of activity to meet those needs.  The youth team will be responsible for establishing ministries that are designed to help teenagers grow into personal relationship with Christ Jesus.  We also seek to support teenagers in their struggle against the various forces that battle for their minds and spirits.

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